High Capacity Clinical Lab, Universal Centrifuges

Centrifuges are laboratory equipment that spin an object while applying a perpendicular strong force to the rotating motion. Using the principle of sedimentation, these devices cause denser particles to move to the periphery of the circle. The less dense objects instead gravitate towards the centre. Based on rotor design, there are fixed angle centrifuges, swinging head types and continuous tubular centrifuges. Centrifuges also come in different varieties based on the type of use they are intended for. These devices are widely used in laboratory operations for separations of suspensions and liquid mixtures. They are mainly used in microbiology and chemical applications.
Swing-out Rotor 4 x 250 ml

Swing-out Rotor 4 x 250 ml

Swing-out Rotor 4 x 250 ml for Z3,Centrifugal radius: 16.7 cmFITS: SPEEDZ366 4,500 rpm/3,780 x gZ36H..
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